Many smartphone manufacturers are partnering with iconic camera brands to improve the camera system onboard. This is a golden opportunity for many users to take their photos to a new level of excellence. This has nothing to do with megapixels or complex optical formulas. By adjusting just three simple settings, you can transform a mundane photo into a work of art.
There are three basic elements to photography: light, action and timing. Regardless, of whether you pick a smartphone, a DSLR, Some smartphone manufacturers have made it easier to achieve this goal by integrating some of the best camera brands into their phones’ architecture.
Hasselblad Leica and Zeiss are now standard brands in the world of smartphones. You might think it’s easy, right? Pick the smartphone that has your favorite camera and your photos will be better than the rest. But, Ansel Adam, don’t rush. You don’t become an expert just because you have the right tools in your hands. It’s important to know how to utilize the smartphone to its fullest potential. This brings us back to the three fundamentals of photography, namely light, movement, and timing.
How do you connect these three principles to a smartphone? Flash, shutterspeed and ISO are all you need. Compare the “before” and “after”, which attempt to illustrate these concepts.
Note: There is nothing wrong with snapshot-level photography. It’s fine if you are happy with your snapshots. However, the suggestions below will help you to improve and personalize your photography.
The smartphone flash will now turn off
The LED flash used in smartphones is not “good”. The LED flashes are too bright, not diffused enough to create a softer, more pleasing light and they’re located right next to the lens. This is a “lose-lose-lose” system. Turn off your smartphone’s flash. You may need to anchor your smartphone on a solid surface before you can turn off the flash.